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Sitges Fiesta Santa Tecla 2018

By Visited 15706 times , 1 Visits today

Start Date: September 22, 2018
End Date: September 23, 2018
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 am

Location: Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

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Fireworks, dragons, giants, human towers, dancers, processions, live concerts, competitions, kids events and a big fireworks display.

Sitges Santa Tecla Past : Future



Open de Bridge With prizes for the first pair of the General Classification and for the first pair of Club Members.

Event organized by Club Sitges Blau Bridge in collaboration with la Comissió de Festa Major.

20:00hrs. In la Sitgetana Craftbeer (c/Sant Bartomeu, 10), Opening of the Exhibition of the contest “V Concurso de Instagram de Fiesta Mayor”. During the event, prizes will be awarded to the top three.

Event organized by Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges.

21:00hrs, in the Hort de Can Falç, NIT DE LES PUBILLES I ELS HEREUS 2017 Lunch-Ball with the proclamation of the “Pubilla” (Queen) and Hereu (king) of Sitges 2017.

Event organized by Foment de Sitges, in collaboration with Bodegas Torres.


During times of the Parish celebrations, EXHIBITION OF THE SANTA TECLA’S FLAG

I Open de Bridge « Festa Major de Santa Tecla » With prizes for the first pair of the General Classification and for the first pair of Club Members.

Event organized by Club Sitges Blau Bridge in collaboration with la Comissió de Festa Major.

11:00hrs TROBADA DE GEGANTS, CABEÇUTS I DRACS PETITS (meeting of the paper maché giants and “big-heads”, dragons and eagles made by children) . Location: Hort de Can Falç

11:00hrs, Location: Hort de Can Falç, KIDS PARTY. Entertainment by Sitges puppet company LA TIJA and musical band Eufagis. Children and relatives are invited.

Event organized with the assistence of of La Tija.

12:00hrs, VERMUT SOLIDARIO (solidary vermouth) with renowned local DJ’s, children’s activities, solidarity stands in charge of the Associació Més que Surf, and some more surprises. Location: La Fragata

Event organized by la Associació Cultural Huerto’s in collaboration with la Comissió de Festa Major.

18:00hrs, Location: Espai Cultural Pere Stämfli, Opening of the photo exhibition of “XVIII Concurs de Fotografia de Festa Major” (photo contest of Festa Major) and corresponding AWARDS. This exhibition will remain open until 1st October.

Organised by the Grup d’Estudis Sitgetans, Secció Fotogràfica.

20:00hrs, TIMBALADA. (Drummer’s parade) The drummers of “colles de foc” (drummers of the groups Aliga, Drac and demonds of Festa Major) will do the

Route: Plaça del Pou Vedre, Parellades, Cap de la Vila, Major, Plaça de l’Ajuntament.

20:30hrs, From the location of El Baluard, starting of “LA NIT DE FOC” (Night of Fire) through the streets of the old town.

Route: Baluard, Fonollar, Port d’en Alegre, Rafael Llopart, Sant Damià, Barcelona, Davallada, Carrer d’en Bosch, Plaça de l’Ajuntament, con encendida final del Espetegafoc y encendida final conjunta de todos los grupos en al Baluard.

With the participation of the demond’s groups: Front Diabòlic de La Garriga, Ball d’Enveja de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Guspires de Sants, Ball de Diables Vila-seca, Bretolàs de Sant Andreu, Espetegafoc, the 3 demond groups of Sitges and Àliga de Sitges.

Event organized by la Nit de Foc.

23:00hrs, To follow, in the same place, final party with the CONCERT of Ojo de Buen Cubero, Miquel del Roig and Dalton Bang.

Event organized by La SACA -Sitgetana de Cultura i Animació-.


During times of the Parish celebrations, EXHIBITION OF THE SANTA TECLA’S FLAG

10:00hrs. Concentration of “GEGANTS I CABEÇUTS infantils” (paper maché giants and “big-heads” made by children) . Location: Plaça Ajuntament.

Route: Ajuntament, Major, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Plaça Pou Vedre, Santa Bàrbara y Parc de Can Bóta. Al llegar se realizará un baile conjunto.

To folllow:
EXHIBITION DE BALLS INFANTILS (popular dances performed by children): Ball de Bastons, Panderetes, Pastorets, Cercolets, Cintes, Gitanes and Moixiganga.

17:30hrs. Concentration of “DRACS infantiles” (paper maché dragons made by children) Location: carrer Sant Francesc

To follow:
Route: from Passeig Vilafranca with carrer Espalter, Camí de Santa Bàrbara, Joan d’Àustria, Mossèn Joan Llopis Pi and Parc de Can Bóta where there will be the final fire (fire launched by the paper maché dragons)

To follow:
Performance of “BALL DE DIABLES INFANTIL” (satiric verses performed by children) by the groups: de Colla de l’Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges, Colla Vella and Colla Jove.


19:00hrs, Location: Patio of the Centro Cultural Miramar, Conference «I tú, els vols portar? » (And you, do you want to take them?) moderated by Alba Gràcia Pañella.

Act organized by the Family and Wellbeing Council and service for the equality and inclusion of Sitges Town Hall. 

20:00hrs, Departing from the Parish Church of Sant Bartomeu and Santa Tecla: Reverend Josep Pausas, the Municipal Commission of the Festa Major, and the Agrupació Musical Suburband will parade the icon of Santa Tecla to the home of “pendonista” Mrs. Immaculada Almiñana i Malivern, on Calle Jesús, 20.

Route: Baluard, Plaça de l’Ajuntament, Major, Cap de la Vila y Jesús.

Straight after, opening of the Exhibition of the image of Santa Tecla, where the icon will remain until recovered during the Civic Procession of the 22nd of September. The exhibition will remain open until 21:00h.


10:00hrs-14:00hrs and 17:00hrs-21:00hrs, EXHIBITION OF THE IMAGE OF SANTA TECLA. Location: street Jesús, 20.

17:00hrs Location: Palau del Rei Moro, FIESTA INFANTIL, (children’s festival) with workshops and recital of a tale. Chocolate for all children.

To follow, VESTIM ELS GEGANTS MOROS (Let us dress “Gegants Moros”) a chidren’s event in front of the Palau del Rei Moro.

Event organized by Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges.

To follow, in the Palau del Rei Moro, COMMEMORATION OF THE FIRST REHERSAL of Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges, celebrated 25 years ago. To follow, SANTA TECLA REHEARSALS by the Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges (human towers), with the presence and participation of the public. Dinner and closing of the event.

21:00hrs, CONCERT OF “GRALLES”. Location: Racó de la Calma,

And then the leaps and pirouettes of LES GITANES D’ANTES (satire)
Event organized by Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges.


10:00hrs. and till the start of the Civic Procession, EXHIBITION OF THE IMAGE OF SANTA TECLA. Location: street Jesús, 20.

14:00hrs. 21 muskets are fired by the Ball de Cintes de l’ABPS, in commemoration of their 35th anniversary, and the parish church bells are rung. Location: La Fragata

19:00hrs, From street Jesús, 20, the Pendonista’s home, Mrs. Immaculada Almiñana i Malivern, accompanied by the “Cordonistes” , departure of the PROCESIÓN CÍVICA. Popular dances, traditional musiciens and la Asociación Musical Suburband del Retiro and the authorities , will take Santa Tecla to the Parish Church.

Route: Jesús, Francesc Gumà, Sant Isidre, Ànimes, Sant Sebastià, Sant Damià, Àngel Vidal, Cap de la vila, Major, Plaça de l’Ajuntament y Baluard.

In front of the doors of the parish church, the popular dances receive the image of Santa Tecla who, accompanied by the authorities, and the “Pendonista” and “Cordonistes” will be placed in the presbytery to preside over the liturgies of the festival.

23:00hrs, Fireworks

From La Fragata and Baluard

By Pirotècnia Igual S.A. and artistic design by Isidre Pañella. Honorary Citizen of Sitges.

To follow:
CONCERT OF Los 80 Principales, and DJ Marc Castell.

AUDICIÓN Y BAILE DE SARDANAS (sardanes). Location: Cap de la Vila, with Cobla Sitgetana


07:00hrs. ESPLENDOROSA, ALEGRE Y RUIDOSA MATINAL INFANTIL (joyful and festive children’s “matinal) with the participation of Sitges children, that will performance the popular dances. There are 2 routes:

Route Matinal Gran 7:00h. (big “matinal”): Fonollar, Baluard Vidal i Quadras, Port de n’Alegre, Rafael Llopart, Sant Damià, Sant Sebastià, Jesús, Sant Bartomeu, Sant Gaudenci, Sant Josep, Bonaire, Passeig de la Ribera (mar) hasta la Fragata.


Route Matinal Petita 7:30h (small m”matinal): desde Plaça Ajuntament, d’En Bosch, Davallada, Barcelona, Àngel Vidal, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Sant Pere, Passeig de la Ribera (montaña), hasta la Fragata.

On arrival there will be a breakfast for all the children who participate in the parade.

11:00hrs. Solemn mass in honour of Sant Bartomeu

In the Parish Church of Sant Bartomeu and Santa Tecla

Presided over by Father Josep Pausas, rector. This year, the group of Ball de Cintes de l’ABPS, for its 35th anniversary, will make the offeering to our patron in the name of all the town.

To follow:
Apoteòsica Sortida d’Ofici (Exit from mass)

The band accompanies the authorities to the Town Hall and after all the dances and their musicians cover the small distance between the parish church and the town hall, the sardana Festa Major is played by La Cobla Maricel.

The band will play Els Segadors, the national hymn of Catalonia.

One of the most magical moments of the Festa Major.

To follow:
Castells performed by La Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges.

To follow:
Concert-Vermouth at the entities:

In the gardens of the Sociedad Recreativa El Retiro with Agrupació Musical Suburband d’El Retiro.

In the gardens of the Casino Prado Suburense with “Solistes de la cobla”, by Cobla Maricel.

18:30hrs. PUJADA I BAIXADA DEL PILAR CAMINANT (a human tower, goes up and down walking by the stairs of La Punta). Performed by la Colla Jove de Castellers de Siges


Starting at the Baluard, the “cercavila” (circuit around town with the authorities, the Saint and the folkloric dances and musicians) ends with the Saint being returned to the parish church. As is custom, the shrine will be preceded by the traditional dances, the grallers, and the Agrupació Musical Suburband de El Retiro.

Presidided over by Father Josep Pausas, with the presence of town hall dignataries and the Flag of Santa Tecla shall be carried by the pendonista Immaculada Almiñana Malivern, and the cordonistas, Mrs Carme Almiñana i Malivern and Mr. Anton Llop i Almiñana.

Route: Baluard, Fonollar, Sant Joan, Davallada, Barcelona, Santiago Rusiñol, Jesús, Sant Bartomeu, Sant Gaudenci, Sant Francesc, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Bonaire, passeig de la Ribera, Nou, Major, plaça de l’Ajuntament i Baluard.

As the procession advances along the Paseo de la Ribera, the town patron, La Cobla Sitgetana will interpret the sardanas “Els Gegants de Sitges” composed by Tomàs Gil i Membrado and “La Processó de Santa Tecla” composed by Jordi Pañella i Virella

The Saint returns to the parish church

When the Saint is being returned to the parish church, in the plaza del Baluard in front of the church all the fires and crackers are lit, the dances are carried out to their respective music and a small firework display takes place. It is, in all probability, one of the most emotional and awe inspiring moments of the fiesta.

Last dance of the “Bèsties de foc” and “Gegants”

With the Saint restored to the parish church, the gegants, drac and àliga (papier-mâché giants, dragons and eagle) dance their farewell at Plaça de l’Ajuntament.

At the end, at Paseo de la Ribera, in front of the monument El Greco, CONCERT by La Golden Beat and DJ’s Moustache&Maluki.


OPEN DOORS at the Museum of Cau Ferrat and Maricel Museum.
Act organized by the Consorci del Patrimoni de Sitges.

18:30hrs. Castellers, SANTA TECLA’S EXHIBITION

Location: Cap de la Vila with the groups la Colla Jove dels Xiquets de Valls, els Xicots de Vilafranca, els Castellers de Berga and la Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges.

18:00hrs. Location La Fragata, XXIXè CONCURS NACIONAL DE COLLES SARDANISTES TROFEU VILA DE SITGES: Spectacle sardanista (sardanes dancing), competition with the participation of the best groups of the present time in the modalities of alevín, infantil and juvenil, who will fight to achieve the classification for the championship of Catalonia. Large groups will dance to the VILA DE SITGES Trophy. It will musically enliven the Sardana’s competition, the excellent Cobla Maricel.

Event organized by Amics de la Sardana de Sitges

18:00hrs, Location: Parroquia de Sant Bartomeu y Santa Tecla, ORGAN CONCERT of Santa Tecla by Maurizio Salerno (Milán). Entry: voluntary contribution.
Even organized by Amics de l’Orgue de Sitges.

19:00hrs, BAILE PARA LA GENTE MAYOR (Dance for the elderly) Location: Hort de Can Falç, with the group El Duet.


Representation of the play «La memòria de les oblidades ». Original idea and dramaturgy of Tecla Martorell.

Sitges Santa Tecla is a festival celebrating the Patron Saint of the Parish Church. Second only to Fiesta Mayor festival


Range of images in our gallery above, from past events


19th Santa Tecla Sitges
Click to enlarge & save


Fire on the streets of Sitges
Saturday September 19th from 8.30 pm

And concert & party, with the best music! ‪#‎nitdefoc15‬ ‪#‎stsitges15‬
santa tecla sitges
Music, Fire beasts, processions, Human Towers and Fireworks.
In and around Sitges side streets, Promenade and Church
(listen for the bangs or music)

All one could want for a traditional Sitges Festival!
(remember to wear a hat and covering for the shoulders, as many choose to run through the sparks, once the adrenalin kicks in!)


Sometimes it is hard to get the current years schedule, in English or have time to translate one, in time!


17:30 : Concentration of children and Dragons Parade

Concentration of dragons and children in the street parade will begin and end Espalter Park Can Barrel event where the dance will be performed followed by Devils Child, as part of the Feast of Santa Tecla.Espalter

21:00 Night of Fire

Firework display on the streets of the old by the Group under the Espetegafoc acetate Festival of Santa Tecla.

After the show, the town hall square, there will be a demonstration and then lit a firework on Paseo de la Ribera. Then offer a concert groups Soma Club, The bogies and DJ Selecta Eluaka organized by Xató Active in the place of the Frigate.The town hall square: Des de la plaça de l’Ajuntament


10:00 : Gathering of the Giants and children Heads

Concentration and Giant Heads children under the acts of the festival of Santa Tecla.

The imagination will be Christ the street from the junction with Calle Rusiñol and then will parade to the park Can Barrel. On reaching the Giants and a Heads will dance together and also perform dances by children.


18:00 : Exposure of the image of Santa Tecla

Inauguration of the image of Santa Tecla by Father Joseph Pauses, rector of the parish as part of the events of the Festival of Santa Tecla.

The image can be seen until the beginning of the Civic Procession to the house pendonista Elena Ferré Rafols.Carrer de l’Onze de Setembre


20:30 : Human castles (towers)

Open trial of the League of Young Castellers Sitges in the framework of actions of the Feast of Santa Tecla.Palau del Rei Moro


17:00 : Dress Giants Moors

The Moors wearing the Giants in an event organized by the Association of Dances Popular in Sitges with the help of Recreation for Recreation in the context of the events of the Feast of Santa Tecla. Palau del Rei Moro

22:30 : Concert Retrio

Concert of the band with tunes that accompany Retrio St. Bartholomew but with a style and unusual instruments in the parade as the piano, bass and drums.Societat Recreativa El Retiro


TBA: Dance Gralles

Dance with Gralles School Grallers Sitges and Barcelona Laietana Grallers under the acts of the festival of Santa Tecla.

At half time, the Association represents the Dance Gypsy, at an event organized by the Association of Popular Dances of Sitges.Plaça del Cap de la Vila

14:00 : Ringing of bells and lighting of the 21 morterets

Ringing of bells and lighting of the 21 morterets by Girls Garraf (càrrec de les Noies del Garraf)
La Fragata

18:00 : Floral in Santa Tecla

Floral in Santa Tecla by the gang of devils children of Santa Tecla and San Bartolome (Sant Bartomeu).Carrer de l’Onze de Setembre

19:00 : Civic procession

Civic procession from the street Eleventh of September to church, where the image is placed in the presbytery to preside over liturgical acts of the day.Carrer de l’Onze de Setembre

23:00 : Fireworks

Fireworks by Fireworks SA (Pirotècnia Igual SA). Panels and fireworks designed by Philip Virelles under the acts of the festival (Festa de Sanyta Tecla).

At the end in Passeig de la Ribera, Sardana dance of the seven runs with the City Band and Cornella St. Eve Owl Key with the orchestra and local DJs.Passeig de la Ribera

23:30: Concert -Vermut

Concert – Vermouth in the Recreational Society The Retreat, the Musical Association Suburband and Casino Prado Suburense the Band’s Principal Llobregat. Concert – Vermut a la Societat Recreativa El Retiro, amb l’Associació Musical Suburband i al Casino Prado Suburense amb la Cobla La Principal de Llobregat.TBA

Sortida d’Ofici

With all the interludes and dances, traditional musicians, the couplet and the band as part of the events of the Festival of Santa Tecla.

Then, display of towers by the League of Young Castellers Sitges.Town Hall Square(Plaça de l’Ajuntament)


07:00 : Morning Child

Parade will feature two parallel paths that end at the Plaza of the frigate where breakfast will be served to all children who participated in the Morning Child.

  • Bastion Square Place (Plaça del Baluard)

10:15 : Musical accompaniment by the authorities at the office

Musical accompaniment by the authorities in the office with the Association of Musical Suburband Retirement.Town Hall Square (Plaça de l’Ajuntament)

10:30 : Solemn Office (Mass)

Mass sung by the people and the heart of Friends of the Organ in the context of acts of Santa Tecla.

This year, the offertory & the ball will involve the offering, on behalf of all the people.
Place Parish of St. Bartholomew, and Santa Tecla (Parròquia de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla)

17:30 : Café – Concert

Cafe – Concert at the Casino Prado Suburense Suburband Musical Association and the Recreational Society Retiro El Retiro with a performance by the Band Maricel.

18:30 : Four-pillar Towers (Baixada del pilar de quatre)

Four pillars towers of the stairs of the Point by the League of Young Castellers Sitges (càrrec de la Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges).Plaça del Baluard

19:00 : Procession of Santa Tecla

Procession in honor of Santa Tecla. Upon arrival at the bastion of the tabernacle, entry of Santa Tecla in the parish church, where I have tried to read the prayer Santa Tecla. Plaça del Baluard


18:30h : Action Tower

Action Tower with the League of Young Children Valls, Castellers Sant Cugat and the League of Young Castellers Sitges, as part of the Feast of Santa Tecla. Plaça del Cap de la Vila

Santa Tecla (in isolation)

Santa Tecla officially starts often on the 22nd of September with the pealing of the church bells and the fusillade of twenty-one morterets.
: here is a Civic Procession, with a floral offering to the patroness takes place. It starts at the house of the pendonista (flagholder).
Night :
Fireworks followed by musical performances at the seafront and the Grallers dances at the town centre.
23rd September
Early Morning:
Day of the Patroness, starts with the Matinal (early morning procession) where the youngest performs traditional dances, of fire and different characters and beasts, through the streets of Sitges.
11am : the official mass is held, followed by the exit of the mass and the exhibition of the Castellers (human towers).
Afternoon : The festivities conclude with a Procession, at the entrance of the Saint and the closing dances of the Giants and the fire beasts.


About the Organizers :

Sitges Council


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