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Corpus Christi Fiesta Flower Festival 2019

By Visited 11075 times , 1 Visits today

Start Date: June 23, 2019
End Date: June 23, 2019
Time: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm


Location: Streets of Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

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The streets are carpeted in 220,000 carnations, all placed after dawn. It may not be too chilly this time of year, to watch it happen.

With wonderful designs, stretching throughout the shopping are between Sebastian Bay and the center of Sitges. Google Map here (shows 2011 route)

Corpus Christi is a religious festival celebrated between the months of May and June. The Corpus is one of the most popular traditional festivals and Sitges, achieving the distinction of Arts Festival and National Tourist Interest. The Festival consists of the Flower Carpet Contest, the National Carnation Exhibition, the Bonsai Exhibition and Competition Ornamentation Floral Balconies and facades.


  • Friday June 16: –  18: 00h. Opening 27 and Suiseki Bonsai Exhibition  in the Auditorium Edifici Miramar-  20: 00h. Inauguration of exhibition of paintings of flowers “Flowers, Sitges and colors”  in the studio on Vidal Street in Forest 8. Hours: 11h to 13h and 17h to 20h

    Saturday, June 17: 

    –  8: 30h The Mercat Municipal de Sitges 4,000 carnations distributed  among its customers until 14: 00h. or while stocks last 

    –  10: 30h. Opening of the 78th National Exhibition of Carnations  in the gardens of El Retiro

    –  12: 30h. Taller para niños y niñas “Corner with flowers” . Quiet Corner decorations with flowers. Wikimedia Museums of Sitges. Free admission.

    –  18: 00h. Out of the 3 pairs of gegants  will toward retirement for the inauguration of the Feast of Corpus Christi, with a festive parade.

    Journey: City Hall Plaza, Mayor Parellades, San Jose, San Gaudencio, San Francisco, Cap de la Vila, Àngel Vidal, Buen Retiro Park

    –  19:00. Opening of the 78th National Exhibition of Carnations  in the gardens of El Retiro and  the 27 Bonsai and Suiseki sample  in the Edifici Miramar.

    Pregón reading of “Carnation”  in charge of Jaume Freixa grid.

    Refreshment  in charge of the Parade Association of  Municipal Market  and Caves Valldosera Olèrdola.

    –  19: 30h. Evening Mass of the vigil  and evening Pregaria to the Chapel of the Eucharist. Parish of Saint Bartholomew and Santa Tecla

    22: 00h. Guided tour “Flors, tradició i festa”  by Agisitges. Garden Societat Recreativa El Retiro. At the end whether to join in making a carpet of flowers .. Free activity.

    Sunday, June 18

    – From dawn  carpets of flowers are carried  through the streets of  Sitges

    –  MASS Corpus Christi day:  9: 00h, 11:00, 12: 00h Church of Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla

    * Dancing egg  (Palau Maricel Sunday 11: 00-15: 00h, Saturday 10-14h San Juan Hospital. 16-19h. Sunday 10-15: 00h.).

    – 19:00 Mass in the parish of St. Bartholomew and Santa Tecla

    – 20:00 Procession of the Holy Sacrament , with the children of the First Communion, the heiress and the parishioners, the Giants Moixiganga, Dragon, Eagle with the Journey: Bastion, Mirador Miquel Utrillo, Quiet Corner, Fonollar San Juan, Descent, Barcelona, Santiago Rusiñol, Jesus, Head of the Town Parellades, Bonaire, Paseo de la Ribera, St. Paul, Head of the Town Mayor, City Hall and Bastion Square.

    From 23 to 30 June

    Exhibition of photographs of Corpus 2nd. Instagram contest. Opening and awards ceremony on Friday June 23 at the Brewery La Sitgetana at 18pm. Sant Bartomeu street 10. 

    Sunday, June 25

    –  19: 00h. Corpus closing of Sitges 2017  on the Societat Recreativa El Retiro, with awards and diplomas. Upon completion, concentration at the Shrine of Vinyet for collective offering of carnations to the Virgin (Santuario transfer the “boat-train” decorated with flowers and music)


SITGES – Corpus Christi in Sitges
(Typical Information)

Yearly information is often released just before the event. In Catalan & in a ‘closed’ format that does not allow translation (issuu)

Sitges ‘Corpus Flower Carpets Event’ :
TYPICAL ROUTE ROADS Sitges (bigger version)
Corpus Flower Carpets ROUTE Sitges

1- Creu Roja – Plaça del Baluard 2- Escola Olive Tree – Plaça de l’Ajuntament 3- AGIS – Plaça de l’Ajuntament4- Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges – Plaça de l’Ajuntament5- IES VINYET – Plaça de l’Ajuntament 6- OWLS Education – Carrer d’en Bosc 7- Museus de Sitges – Fundació Stämpfli – Carrer d’en Bosc8- Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges – Carrer d’en Bosc9- Cercle Artístic de Sitges – Carrer d’en Bosc 10- Òmnium Garraf – Carrer Barcelona11- Carrer Santiago Rusiñol12- Escola Esteve Barrachina – 5è Tram Carrer Jesús13- Casino Prado Suburense – 4t Tram Carrer Jesús14- 3er Tram Carrer Jesús15- 2on Tram Carrer Jesús 16- 1er Tram Carrer Jesús17- Expositors de Clavells – Cap de la Vila18- 1er Tram Carrer Major19- CEIP Maria Ossó – 2n Tram Carrer Major20- 3er Tram Carrer Major21- CEIP Miquel Utrillo – 4t Tram Carrer Major22- Escola Pia de Sitges – 5è Tram Carrer Major23- Institut Joan Ramon BENAPRÈS – 6è Tram Carrer Major24- CEIP Agnès de Sitges – Plaça de l’Ajuntament 25- Carrer Sant Pau26- Carrer Bonaire 27- Carrer de l’Aigua28- Plaça Indústria29- Club de Mar – Passeig Marítim30- Sunway Playa Golf – Passeig Marítim (catifa ubicada al final del Passeig)31- Hospital de Sant Joan32- Residència Les Magnòlies 33- Piscina MunicipalLes catifes que únicament tenen el nom del tram estan realitzades pels mateixos veïns del carrer.



Opening of the Exhibition

72a editing Carnation and 21th Bonsai Exhibition in the Gardens of El Retiro Recreational Society


Parade of the Giants in Sitges in the Town Hall Square with the following route:

  • Major
  • Cap de la Vila
  • Parellades
  • Sant Josep,
  • Sant Gaudenci
  • Sant Francesc
  • Cap de la Vila
  • Àngel Vidal
  • Jardins de la Societat Recreativa El Retiro (for a while)
  • Àngel Vidal
  • Aigua
  • Major i Plaça de l’Ajuntament


Opening of the Exhibition 72a editing Carnation and 21th Bonsai Exhibition in the Gardens of El Retiro Recreational Society

Number 9 on this map here.

Reading from the traditional prayer by Ms. Clavel. Nuria Carbonell Masip.

Proclamation of the Carnation

22:00 –

A guided tour of the process of making the Floral Streets, with making a carpet of flowers in the Plaza Edward Maristany. All participants welcome for free. Reportably at the ‘Recreational Society The Retreat (Carrer Angel Vidal’, No 17). Google link here and near (north) of number 5 on this map here.


Carpet Flower Show

Throughout the day you can see the carpet, across the center of Sitges.

See the Google map below and a printable one here.

View Sitges Flower Streets Corpus Christi 2011 in a larger map

Between 10.00 to 15.00:

The traditional ‘Egg Dance’ in the courtyard of the Palau Maricel.

An egg dance is a traditional Easter game in which eggs are laid on the ground or floor and the goal is to dance among them damaging as few as possible (more!).

Between 10.00 to 15.00:

L’Ou com Balla al Museu Romàntic : Screening of the documentary “Corpus, 60.”


Giants parade through the streets surrounding the flower carpeted streets following this route:

Major, Nou, Passeig de la Ribera, Bonaire, Parellades, Sant Pau, Passeig de la Ribera, Nou, Santo Domingo, Aigua, Sant Damià, Sant Sebastià, Davallada, d’en Bosc, Plaça de l’Ajuntament i Plaça del Baluard.




Procession of the Blessed Sacrament, accompanied by the Giants in Sitges and children who made ​​their First Communion this year, the heiress and the parishioners, with the following route:

Plaça del Baluard, Plaça de l’Ajuntament, Davallada, Barcelona, Santiago Rusiñol, Jesús, Cap de la Vila, Major, Plaça de l’Ajuntament i Plaça del Baluard.


Exhibition Carnation

(the Gardens of El Retiro Recreational Society).

Number 9 on this map here.

53rd Floral Decoration Competition by 30 balconies and façades, around the carpeted streets.

From 25 to June 27

21th Bonsai Exhibition (The Recreational Society The Retreat).

July 3


Official ceremony with prizes and certificates of appreciation for those participating in the festival, within the Gardens of El Retiro Recreational Society and closing ceremony of the Festival of Corpus Christi 2011.

A reasonably translated page, with Old photographs of Corpus Christi in Sitges. From the 50s can be found here.

View Sitges Flower

Whilst unconnected… this festival will now always remind us of Ann Maguire – a much loved teacher, who died at Corpus Christi Roman Catholic College in Leeds, West Yorkshire. And with some anger, at the killer, who took away a lovely representation of a caring Britain.


About the Organizers :

Free to watch the creation of the designs and the end result. (subject to staying out of the way :)

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